Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Father of Lights

Studying in James, I read again that every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of Lights. I love that. Our Daddy doesn't even know how to give a lump of coal to His kids! Like the rays of sunshine falling from heaven to the ground, He is ready to pour out His delight on us. But the best part of that little verse? "In whom there is no variableness or shadow of turning." He never changes.

Whenever I get ready to buy my makeup, I never remember exactly which shade I wear. And depending on the season, it might be a little darker or a little lighter. My attitude often takes a shade or two of a change - much to my chagrin! The circumstances of my life too frequently determine whether I will put on makeup for the daylight or for an evening out (if the light's dim, I can get away with a lot less!).

But God NEVER is anything other than Himself. He is not a God of whimsy. While He has a terrific sense of humor, He is never capricious or spiteful or bored. Aren't you thankful He never has a bad hair day? Aren't you glad He never changes? Aren't you amazed that, no matter what we do, HE is the same Yesterday, Today... and Forever!

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