Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's Been a Long Year!

It's been just over a year since I've posted anything and it's about time. After two years of feeling sick (multiple sclerosis) and wondering if I was just in a constant state of flare, I changed my diet. Completely. If you haven't seen the documentary, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead", it is worth the time. For those with autoimmune disorders, it may just be the most important video I've watched.

Anyway, the year started status quo, just sick and tired all the time with a pretty severe flare in February. Just life. One super bright spot was the birth of a new grandson in May (WOO! HOO!)

I am thankful this Christmas for health -- I still have MS (BOO!)but I also feel nearly normal.

Did you ever think someone would be glad to clean floors? Vacuum? Cook? Do dishes? Yup, I am. I never thought I would be so excited to make a four-hour drive across the desert to California. But I did it and, oh my, was I excited!

Which makes me wonder ... how many things do I forget to be thankful for? How many delights do I take for granted? How often do I simply go on my merry way, ungrateful? Unfortunately, it happens a lot.

I want to be grateful. I want to be thankful. But that means taking stock of all that is going on around me and changing my perspective. That's been easier to do since I've been sick. It really is the little things, like driving, cleaning, playing with my grandchildren, easing my husband's load just a bit. And it has made me realize just how ungrateful I've been.

I can still read God's word. I can still go to church. I can still pray. I can still do so many things! And it's all because of Jesus, His grace, His comfort, His sacrifice.

Oh Lord, keep me grateful this season and year-round.

And you, my friends, keep your eyes open to the little joys God has placed directly in your path. It may not look like fireworks, but even the light of a firefly can fill your heart with awe.

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