Monday, April 16, 2012

It Might Be April But It Is Still A New Year

I've been remiss in posting -- Got a little sidetracked with health issues and, well, frankly, just didn't have the heart to think much!

 But I'm back and have a confession to make. I am hooked on Pinterest. I love just browsing through all of the things to see at my fingertips. And I so much want to start putting some of my own stuff on there -- just gotta figure out how!

As I said, it's a New Year and I have awakened from what seemed to be a deep sleep. I fell off the wagon of healthy eating around the holidays and really struggled to get back to what I knew was good for me.

It makes absolutely no sense and we suffer consequences we KNOW will come. Back to juicing now at least two times a day and slowly returning to healthy.

That raises a question -- Why do we do that? It's not just about eating, it pertains to everything: Exercise, housework, Bible reading/study, prayer. Ouch! Those last two seem to fall back into old habits so easily! I'd like to think the laxity snuck up on me and took me by surprise but the only real surprise was how I noticed that little monster was creeping closer and did nothing about it. I knew it but didn't think it was harmful. I found myself so focused on the distraction that kept my attention away from the danger andI didn't notice that complacency until it was nipping at my heels. Okay, maybe I did but I didn't realize the damage that little bit of nipping could do.

Do you find yourself in a place of laziness with God? Are you excited about getting into His word and meeting with Him in prayer? Much like my diet, I thought little tastes of food that weren't necessarily sinful (I didn't gorge myself, I didn't go overboard with chocolate) couldn't possibly hurt me and, similarly, with God I didn't really think there was any harm in just leaving my Bible within reach but not actually picking it up. After all, at least it was close by.

WRONG! I couldn't really just ease myself back into juicing and watching what I eat - I had to dive in completely.

 When you discover you have begun to compromise your time with Jesus, run right back to Him. Don't walk. Don't dawdle. RUN! He is right there waiting and once you are back at His feet, you will get a sense of just how much you've missed Him. so jump right in and "do the first things" first!!! You'll be glad you did.

Because of Jesus,

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