Monday, April 2, 2007

Boy, Does Life Change Fast!

One week after "Rocky Religion", my world was really rocked! My son (on the left), age 22, was involved in an accident in his truck. He had been home just over a month after completing his training as a combat medic in the Army. Saturday night, my husband and I were babysitting two of our grandbabies when we received the call that Joshua had sustained severe head trauma and a spinal injury, the extent of which was not known. I would love to have been blogging here for the last couple of months but my son-in-law set up a website for updates on Joshua and, with all the time at the hospital, well... Anyway, he is still alive and God is still on the throne. It has been an amazing ride that is not over yet - not by a long shot. If you want to know more, check out Please be praying for us!


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