Thursday, May 28, 2009


You know, there are women who are great to have around when it comes to planning an event. They are the ones who motivate, encourage and come alongside others. They are a delight and a blessing. But then there are others, the ones who "take over".

Sometimes they appear to be rather humble, just wanting to help in any way they can, sitting themselves in the very back right in front of everybody! But ask them to bring something other than their prize meatloaf to a potluck and you will get a withering gaze, pursed lips and a choked "Fine" in response.

Sometimes they are "boardroom" obvious. Everybody snaps to attention the moment she sets her designer shoes in the meeting room (did I mention she is the epitome of the song, "I Am Woman"?). These "leaders" can bring an instant hush to the room with one simple over-the-glasses glare. Their ideas are always great, always laid out in advance and volunteering for the project is never voluntary. She has everyone's role laid out and a personal check-list for everyone to meet their (her) goals. She runs a tight ship and will not tolerate any excuses, absences or failures. The rest of the women meekly follow, seldom questioning anything she says. If someone does challenge this "leader", she comes across as catty. Those meek followers, however, will rake the bossy woman over the coals as soon as she is out of earshot!

Bossy women make my belly burn! My guts wrench and my teeth clench as I try to paste on a semi-genuine smile and nod. It's like fire. I am ...

F - frustrated as I watch others sit on the sidelines, not feeling part of the team.
I - irritated enough to call my friends to complain.
R - resentful because I feel like I'm sitting on the bench along with everyone else!
E - exasperated because there is no easy way to "fire" her!

I used to think the term "bossy woman" was an oxymoron. And then I met one - okay, several. Okay, okay! It's ME! But somebody has to be in charge, right? Right!

It's just not supposed to be me. I am not called to be a leader. I am a follower. Of Jesus. And wherever He leads, I will follow.


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