Thursday, June 4, 2009

Saw This and Had To Pass It On - It's a Great Deal

It's a Bloggy Contest! Win Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight!

Okay, ladies! It's time for another bloggy contest! I'm really excited about this one!

And I'm going to write the rest of this post sort of in the third person so it's easier for you to copy and paste it to your blog (as you'll see below). So if I start calling myself "Sheila", instead of "me", don't think I've gone loopy, okay?

Father's Day is coming up, and this year, why not get something that YOU read (or listen to), and HE reaps the rewards from?

If you want to stop your marriage from fizzling and start it sizzling, I've got the answer for you!

He says, "you’re never in the mood." She says, "That's all you ever think about!" It’s a conflict as old as time. We’re told "opposites attract", but given time and circumstance, what once lured you in, can quickly lure you out.

But you don't have to be stuck in this trap!

Sheila's book, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight: Help for women who want to feel more in the mood, can help you solve this impasse! It's fun, real, and extremely practical.

I love this book, and I know it can help your marriage.

I know, because Sheila, the author, didn't always have a great marriage. She's not "talking down" to you. She wrote it as a research project to help herself. And her husband says he definitely liked the research!

So often we find intimacy difficult because men and women ARE different. Women wonder why men were created with the switch always turned on, and men wonder why women were created with so many different switches and no instruction manual.

Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight helps us bridge this gap by helping us to understand our husbands better, get more energy, heal past hurts, and increase romance & respect in our marriages! You'll also learn why understanding God's view of sexuality can actually make you more in the mood--even if that sounds strange!

Filled with practical advice, Honey I Don't Have a Headache Tonight tackles these issues:

* How change in the sexual relationship requires change elsewhere.
* Why sex for women is often a "head thing."
* How television is the biggest enemy to intimacy.
* Why forgiveness and letting go of the need to be right is so important.
* How self-image issues and past hurts can throw intimacy into a tailspin.
* The repercussions of everyday energy zappers.
* The threats to Godly sexuality.
* The roadblocks of respect.
* The cultural attacks on gender.

And more! And best of all, it's fun to read!
It's Sheila's Father's Day special this month, along with a 45-minute hilarious and practical talk Sheila's given on the subject.

But here's how you can win it! You have three choices:

1. Blog post. Just copy this post (or write your own), and enter it in your blog. Then go here, and fill out the form! Enter your email address and the URL of your post! Remember to include this bottom part in the post about how they can enter!

2. Share on Facebook. Just click the "Share This" button below to share on Facebook! It couldn't be easier! Then head on over here and fill out the contest entry, including your name on Facebook in the right spot.

3. Twitter Tweet. Or you can post on Twitter. Just tweet something like this:

Turn the heat in your marriage up! Win a free copy of Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight just by tweeting!

Then head on over here and enter your email address and your Twitter ID!

It's that easy!

NOTE: Remember, to enter, you must fill out this form! It's really short (just your email and which way you entered), but I'll be drawing the winners from there!

Sheila will be drawing a winner one week from today, on next week's Wifey Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. EST June 10. So enter now to win!


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