Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Going through a verse-by-verse study of Philemon (such a small book packed with so much stuff!), some friends and I were amazed that Paul would ask to have the runaway slave's debt charged to him. In this little letter, Paul sends his friend, Philemon, an I.O.U. I can't say for certain what the debt was. Onesimus owed Philemon something (whether money or not isn't clear) and the amount is never mentioned but Paul says he will pay. I don't know about you, but the thought of paying off what someone else owes goes completely against my nature -- unless it's for one of my kids.

But that's what Paul is doing. He says, "For love's sake, welcome your runaway slave back. He is now your brother. Don't worry about what he's done or what he owes you. I've got him covered."

And that's what Jesus does for us. He tells the Father, "For My sake, welcome your prodigal home. She is Your daughter. Don't charge her with the debt she owes. I've got her covered ... With My blood." What relief! What grace! What wonder!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Life Goes Too Fast!

My dad reminded me the other day that in just three and a half short years, he will turn 80. I can remember turning 10 and thinking that turning 13 would take forever! I can remember celebrating my third wedding anniversary and, in just three short years, we will celebrate our 30th. Maybe it's just a fact of life - the older you are, the faster time flies! I can't slow it down, I can't stop it. I don't think I would even if I could. While I'm anxious to get to heaven and be with Jesus, I don't want to squander my time here - but it goes so fast!

Today I determine, though I can't slow down time, I will slow myself down. I will make the effort to enjoy life and celebrate the lives of others.

There are some things that used to matter - back when time went slower than molasses. I find that the older I get and the faster time flies, the less important those things are.

I watch my grandchildren play and let them get away with things I would never have allowed their parents to do - it just isn't as critical to me now that time is going faster.

I am learning to choose my battles more carefully. I am learning to relax. I am learning to grab on to the beauty of each day. Most importantly, I am learning to let go. That's easier to do now that time flies!

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